Hillary Clinton Cancels Large Pottery Barn Order

Senator may lose $30 million deposit
By Dan Tynan
Special to the WitList
CHAPPAQUA, NY -- Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton has quietly canceled a large order from popular catalog store The Pottery Barn, sources close to her former campaign have reported.
The former first lady had ordered more than a dozen rooms' worth of furniture, rugs, and wall art, as well as a new china set for 200 guests. "Senator Clinton will no longer be needing those items," said an aide who asked to remain anonymous. "We have no further comment at this time."
The Senator, who formally suspended her campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination yesterday, had apparently placed the order last December, just ahead of the Iowa Caucuses.
Sources close to her campaign say they remain stunned by the outcome. The former first lady had been considered a virtual lock for the nomination when the campaign began in January 2007.
"We expected to be greeted as liberators," said one aide. "We were told it would be a slam dunk. Then this Hussein character showed up and took us by surprise. Obviously the intelligence we relied on was wrong."
The aide acknowledged that it was probably a mistake to hang a "Mission Accomplished" banner across the campaign's New York headquarters last May. The aide also said choosing Celine Dion's "You and I Were Meant to Fly" as the campaign's official song was another blunder.
"Even my mother doesn't listen to Celine Dion," he says. "Personally, I think we should have stuck with our first choice, Elton John's 'The Bitch is Back.' It was way catchier."
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