McCain Googles for a Veep

By Dan Tynan
RICHMOND, VA -- Republican presidential nominee John McCain has announced a new tool in his search for a running mate: Google.
According to Reuters, the candidate says he's using the popular search engine to vet potential candidates.
"You know, basically it's a Google," he said to laughter at a fund-raising luncheon when asked how the selection process was going. "What you can find out now on the Internet -- it's remarkable."
So far, officials close to the McCain campaign say Google has allowed the Senator to narrow the field to a handful of top candidates. They include:
* A deposed Nigerian minister who's offered to donate $35 million to the McCain campaign, once he manages to sneak it out of the country
* Tay Zonday, singer of "Chocolate Rain" and winner of a 2008 Webby Award
* Pop singer Rick Astley.
The aides said the Arizona senator briefly considered adding LonelyGirl15 to the ticket, but declined after discovering she did not meet minimum age requirement of 35.
"One thing is for sure,"said the aide. "Anything we do is better than asking Cheney to pick somebody for us. We're not even sure we'll be able to pry him out of the building next January."
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